Whiplash and Chiropractic Services

Right now there are around 214 million licensed drivers in the United States, with over 2 million in Kansas alone.1 With that amount of people on the road, accidents are common. In 2014 alone there were 7.6 million drivers involved in property damage collisions, with almost 3 million injury accidents.2,3

Even a low speed rear-end collision can cause occupant injury. Though there may not be skid marks or even visible damage to the vehicle following a collision, crash tests indicate that a change in velocity at 2.5 mph can produce symptoms of whiplash.4 When injured, there can be a swelling of soft tissue and muscles around your joints, or the ligaments can be stretched or experience micro-tears. Following a low speed collision you may not feel any pain, but these micro-tears cause inflammation, resulting in a stiff or painful neck. An adjustment can relieve this pain by increasing blood flow to the injured area, promoting healing.5

A study in California compared injury risk, injury severity and the duration of symptoms caused by automobile accidents with the amount of structural damage in crashes going under 25 mph. The study found that actual property damage to the vehicles was an unreliable indicator in whether an occupant reported injuries.6 Because of the stigma that you can only be injured in high speed accidents, many cases of whiplash and related injuries go untreated, causing further complications later in life.5

Dr. Postier at Postier Chiropractic is believes in educating his patients in order to lead them towards a healthy, pain free life. It’s important to understand that when you feel pain, your body is showing you a problem has surfaced. You may be used to ignoring some acute pain, but it is important to seek professional help before it can become a chronic problem, possibly leading to insomnia, exhaustion, inability to work or worse.7

Chiropractic services have proven to reduce scar tissue, relieve localized pain and to reduce pain in your whole body following a crash.5 Many look to painkillers when they feel tightness or pain following an accident, but these only mask the problem and set the stage for a lifetime of chronic pain and degeneration. At Postier Chiropractic, the goal is to find the true cause of the pain and treating it, so you can life a better lifestyle.

If you’ve been in an accident, or are suffering from pain resulting from a collision, call Postier Chiropractic for a full evaluation today at 785-320-2512. You can also schedule a visit by going to www.postierchiro.com. Feel free to sign up for the office newsletter to receive more information on Chiropractic Services and updates on the field. Postier Chiropractic is located at 809 N 3rd St, Manhattan, KS 66502.

1. http://www.statista.com/statistics/191653/number-of-licensed-drivers-in-the-us-since-1988/

2. http://www.statista.com/statistics/192109/drivers-in-property-damage-crashes-in-us-road-traffic/

3. http://www.statista.com/statistics/192100/drivers-involved-in-injury-crashes-in-us-road-traffic/

4. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9868635?report=abstract

5. http://circleofdocs.com/8-reasons-why-chiropractic-is-the-best-treatment-for-auto-injuries/

6. http://circleofdocs.com/correlating-crash-severity-with-injury-risk-injury-severity-and-long-term-symptoms-in-low-velocity-motor-vehicle-collisions/

7. http://www.postierchiro.com/general-pain

Tori Cox