Mental Health

When one thinks of going to the chiropractor, it’s often for back pain or a sports injury. However, because of the strong influence of the nervous system on mental health, adjustments can also do wonders for depression.

 Doctors have studied the link between chiropractic care and mental health since the 1920’s.1 In an article detailing the history of this research, Dr. Christopher Kent explains that, “Although many chiropractors and those they serve tend to focus on disorders associated with the physical body, it is obvious that abnormal nervous system function may also affect emotional and psychological health.”2

 In one of the largest studies on the benefits of chiropractic treatment for depression, 2,818 patients were surveyed in 156 practices, and a strong connection was found by people receiving chiropractic care in and improvements in their health, wellness and quality-of-life.3

 Depression has also been found to be tied to lower back pain, following a study in Denmark where patients ages 18-65 completed a Major Depression Inventory (MDI) assessment, before and after receiving chiropractic care. The results found that 9% of the patients had signs of depression that was tied to chronic lower back pain prior to receiving care, and patients who answered they were in low spirits or who lacked energy and strength when asked during the initial assessment were less likely to rehab as successfully.4

Dr. Postier of Postier Chiropractic is dedicated to properly assessing patients to find the root cause of their symptoms. Chronic pain can cause sleep disturbances, a major factor in mental health, which can lead to depression and mood swings.5,6 These mood swings can be unpredictable, and though they may be caused by the lack of natural chemicals in your body, traditional doctors will attempt to treat these symptoms with medications compiled of solutions that can have worse side effects than the symptoms.6

 Postier Chiropractic approaches these these symptoms with a thorough evaluation, and treats these symptoms with diet, supplements and exercise, as well as educating patients about best practices to lead a healthy lifestyle moving forward. With treating the root cause of chronic pain, such as pinched nerves, Dr. Postier provides programs for each patient that takes into account their lifestyle and injury diagnosis.

 Schedule an appointment today with Dr. Postier today at 785-320-2512 if you are suffering from depression, or would like an evaluation to determine the best course to improve your mental health. For more detailed information on how chiropractic services can benefit you, sign up for the office newsletter to receive more information on Chiropractic Services and updates on the field. Postier Chiropractic is located at 809 N 3rd St, Manhattan, KS 66502.




  3. Blanks RHI, Schuster TL, Dobson M: “A retrospective assessment of Network care using a survey of self‑reported health, wellness and quality of life.”Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research 1997;1(4):15.




Tori Cox