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 Our Services


How can Chiropractic help you?


Many people think of chiropractic as a treatment for headaches, neck and back pain. While it is true that chiropractic can help with these issues, chiropractic has much more to offer than pain management. 

Gray’s Anatomy states that, “The nervous system controls and coordinates all organs and structures of the human body.”  This means that any interference with the nervous system will interfere with the way the body can function and ultimately be the cause of health problems.

Nerves travel from the spinal cord to the body between openings in the spine. When the bones in your spine (vertebra) become misaligned, the opening will narrow and can interfere with nerve function. This is called a subluxation. 

Only ten percent of the nervous system is sensory, the other ninety percent controls your muscles, glands, and organs. So if you base your health on pain, you may be missing up to 90 percent of what’s going on. 

This is why Dr. Postier has been able to help people with problems such as: thyroid dysfunction, TMJD, acid reflux/GERD, sleep disturbances, constipation, menstrual issues, fertility issues, sciatica, Crohns disease, high blood pressure, bedwetting, colic, and ear infections. 


What is Gonstead Chiropractic?


Dr. Postier is proud to be the only doctor in the Manhattan area that specializes in the Gonstead method of chiropractic. More than just a technique for adjusting, Gonstead is a thorough method for the analysis of the spine and nervous system.

On every visit, Dr. Postier will do an assessment of the nervous system using a heat sensing device. This will help the doctor locate the exact area(s) of nerve pressure. He will then feel for swelling, tenderness, tight muscles, and check the spine for mobility. Dr. Postier will then compare his exam findings with x-rays that were taken on your first visit. The x-rays help the doctor confirm where he found nerve pressure during the exam, as well as make it possible to give the most specific adjustments.

All of this is part of the Gonstead method and is done to provide the best clinical picture possible which produces the best results possible.



Chiropractic can help with more than just the spine? Yes. Dr. Postier has training in extremity adjustments which include the: shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand, knee, ankle, and foot.

By far the most common patients with extremity issues are athletes. However, many people have sprained an ankle, twisted their knee, or injured their shoulder at some point. Whether you’re an athlete or a weekend warrior, life is much easier when your body is working the way that it’s intended.


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